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Welcome to Elephat
DTF Transfers

09:00AM - 06:00PM

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Privacy Notice


  1. You agree that all services rendered, purchased and serviced through Elephat are non-refundable.
  2. You agree to pay 50% down prior to any custom work that we are hired to do for you.
  3. All work and services are completed by Elephat cannot be copied, reproduced, sold and or used for any other uses other than the original purpose bought for.
  4. You agree to leave all Elephat tags in the footer claiming ownership of all designs purchased through us on all the pre-made and custom work that we do.
  5. You agree to host all graphics on your own photo hosting site and cannot hold Elephat liable or responsible for those graphics once purchased and given to you.
  6. You agree to our copyrights.
  7. Elephat has sole copyrights to all graphics produced and sold to you. These copyrights include graphics and designs purchased for use in custom work projects for you.
  8. You are purchasing the right to use the graphics for your own projects. Under no circumstances are you allowed to share, duplicate or redistribute the graphics. You can not duplicate Elephat graphics and sell them or claim them as your own.
  9. You agree that all edits you do to any templates you purchase from us are your sole responsibility and you can not hold Elephat accountable for any coding errors that may result from your own edits. Although we will support you and help you we can not be held accountable or liable for any alterations made to the original code we sent you.
  10. Elephat does their own coding, graphics and does on occasion buy graphics for purchase and use on projects that they work on. Those purchased graphics do belong to Elephat and cannot be redistributed on any other projects except the specific project it was purchased for. Elephat does monitor their own work and does check regularly for any violations of their policies.
  11. If you have any questions feel free to contact us.


Premade, ready to use templates and graphics are available for immediate download upon instant payment. Downloads for items that are paid for by money orders will be made available upon receipt of payment.
Items that require customization will be emailed in the form of a .zip file or a link provided to your download.


Elephat makes many of our own graphics from scratch. I also take some of my own photos to use in my artwork. Any images that I don’t create myself are purchased/licensed images / with permission / or images from the public domain.

In the case of public domain images, I often include them in my own graphic compositions or alter them in a way that makes them unique to me. These altered images and compositions are copyright.

In the case of purchased/licensed images / with permission, I often include them in my own graphic compositions. The copyright of individual images remain with the artist who created the image but the composition I create and in which the purchased / with permission / licensed image is included is copyright Elephat.
Many of the graphics made available from Elephat are also available for commercial use. If commercial use is allowed I’ll mention it in the item listing.
By purchasing anything from you are agreeing to abide by my terms of use.

Custom Work:

Custom work requires concept previews. Any concept images I make available for your preview are strictly samples and are not for duplicating my concept or for using my concepts without purchase.

Terms of Use for Personal Use Graphics

You are purchasing a LICENSE to USE the graphics. You are not purchasing the copyrights to any graphic from I retain copyrights.
You MAY use the graphics: In your own projects and artwork/digital artwork. This includes your personal or commercial website design, blog design, as long as you include a link back to Elephat somewhere on your site. My link doesn’t have to be on the front page but it needs to be on a page that is easily accessible and the link clearly visible, such as a Resources page. If they are used in your own auction template my credit link would be placed at the bottom of the template design. My credit link code can be found below.
You may not resell personal use graphics in any form. You may not give them away or share them with others. You may not alter the graphics and then claim them as your own.

Terms Of Use For Commercial Use

You are purchasing a LICENSE to USE the graphics. You are not purchasing the copyrights to any graphic from I retain copyrights. You MAY use the graphics: In your projects and artwork including websites and auction templates that you create for resale. You may not resell graphics purchased from me in their stand-alone form or make them available to others in their stand-alone form. They need to be worked into a new design. You may not simply recolor and then sell as a stand-alone graphic. You may not claim the images to be your own creation. My credit link is not required for commercial use graphics but is appreciated if you do.

You may not screen capture or otherwise borrow any of the images or content on my site, except in the case of items posted in my freebie category. Freebie images are strictly for personal use, however, they may be used in your commercial site design. (with my linking credit.). They may not be offered as free graphics from your own website. Freebie graphics may not be sold. If there are any questions about your intended use please contact me.


In some cases, we will work buyer supplied images into a custom banner/graphic. By supplying your own images to Elephat, the buyer confirms that they have legal rights to the images and Elephat is not responsible.
I reserve the right to use a custom design I create for you in my portfolio. I’ve tried to keep things as simple and short a possible, but I do reserve the right to amend or alter these terms as needed.

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